ISO Technology Business Partnership Meeting

ISO Technology Business Partnership Meeting

  • Posted by: Boğaç Aydınlı

ISO Technology Business Partnership Meeting !


Technology Business Partnership Meeting has been organized by Digital Transformation Office and hosted by İstanbul Chamber of Industry in ISO Industry on 28th of February.

Mehmet Dolgan from Digital Transformation Office made the opening speech in the Industry and the planned processes and details were mentioned in the event.

Technology within the production, maintenance and quality processes were discussed at this event we have participated in as trexDCAS with our 100% local software and hardware MES Solutions within the scope of Digital Transformation Oppurtunities Workshop for Businessmen.

During the panel moderated by Reyhan Özdemir who is the ISO Digital R&D Coordinator,  Umut Ceyhan and Murat Seymen from Calik Digital and Ugurcan Topcu the Industrial Engineer from ISO Digital answered the questions regarding ‘’Lean Manifacturing, Local Software Export to Foreign Companies and Government Support on Digital Transforöstion’’ in the scope of the event rifght before the speech of ‘’ Digital Maturity Reports’’ of 48 different industrial firms.

We thank Digital Transformation Office for hosting us at ISO Technology Business Partnership event ISO Industry…