Our Quality Policy

As Mert Yazılım Elektronik A.Ş, we are aware of the importance of providing quality service with innovative and reliable values that aim at continuous development in the field of Information Technologies in which we operate. Our Quality Management System Policy, which we have developed for this purpose, are as follows;

  • To adopt a transparent corporate governance approach as a philosophy by acting in line with legal regulations, 
  • Paying attention to the personal development of our employees and to contribute to their living a more prosperous life, 
  • To increase our national and international competitiveness with a customer-oriented continuous improvement approach, 
  • To provide the necessary resources to keep the Information Security Management System alive in line with the ISO 27001 standard and to evaluate the opportunities for continuous improvement, 
  • Developing new products as a result of R&D studies, improving existing products and increasing our national added value, 
  • To ensure the traceability of our products and services by providing the necessary documentation at every stage of our activities, 
  • To provide information transfer and sharing through continuous training and seminars in order to increase the development of our employees and the awareness of our stakeholders within the scope of Trexacademy, 
  • To ensure and improve the internal / in-house continuity of the ISO 9001 standard, 
  • To be a reliable company by acting in an understanding that meets the needs and expectations of our customers at the highest level in accordance with the ISO 10002 (Customer Satisfaction Certificate) standard, 
  • To support and develop our products and services with new technologies within the framework of the Quality Management System, 
  • To contribute to renewable energy and carbon footprint studies in order to leave a clean and livable environment for future generations, to work with the environmental awareness we have, and to encourage raising the environmental awareness of the society and all our stakeholders, 
  • To ensure that our software projects are carried out and managed in accordance with the TS ISO / IEC 15504 (Spice Organizational Maturity Certificate) standard, 
  • To reach our goals with team spirit awareness based on our quality policy, 
  • To manage and motivate our employees in a way that will lead all of us to our goals stated in our Mission, Vision and Future target statements, 

We consider the subjects as our priority, we undertake and declare that it is under the responsibility of our company. 

Chairman of the Board