CEO Özdemir of Mert Software & Electronics, participated in ‘’Digital Future”

CEO Özdemir of Mert Software & Electronics, participated in ‘’Digital Future”

  • Posted by: Boğaç Aydınlı

İlhan Özdemir, the CEO of Mert Software & Electronics,
participated in ‘’Digital Future with Kozan Demircan’’ show at ST Industry Radio !

We contribute to digital transformation activities!

İlhan Özdemir, the CEO of Mert Software & Electronics participated in ‘’Digital Future with Kozan Demircan’’show at ST Industry Radio.

Özdemir highlighted the importance of Digital Transformation within the scope of the impacts of novel Coronavirus pandemic across the world.

Companies that are already familiar with and completed the considerable steps of Digital Transformation like us, will maintain their activities with their the old same impacts and high level of efficiency.

Stating that they continue working with less loss but with the same pace, Özdemir says the company provides their support to their customers now by working from home.

We were all ready in advance with trexDCAS MES Solutions Infrastructure for this!

İlhan Özdemir:

trexDCAS MES Solutions is a Digitally-Transformed brand. We are always prepared for such kind of crisis. In stead of ceasing all of our activities and services due to novel coronavirus called COVID-19, we keep working thanks to our high-tech infrastructure and  professional team for global and national customers with non-stop service and maximum productivity.